License Fees
Elk, Cow
Elk, Bull or Either Sex
Deer, Buck or Doe
Pronghorn, Buck or Doe
Youth Big Game (Deer, Elk, Pronghorn)
*Refund policy may apply. All non-resident big game licenses are a big game and annual fishing combination license. License fees include a 25-cent search and rescue fee and a $1.50 Wildlife Council surcharge, if applicable. Annual licenses and habitat stamps are valid March 1–31 of the following year (13 months) and non-refundable.
Season Dates
Deer / Elk: Sept. 26th – 30th
Muzzleloader Rifle
Deer / Elk: Oct 11th – Oct 19th
Limited Elk 1st Season: Oct 15th – 19th
Deer / Elk 2nd Season: Oct 25th – Nov 2nd
Deer / Elk 3rd Season: Nov 8th – Nov 16th
Limited Deer / Elk 4th Season: Nov 19th – 23rd
Guided Fees
Our hunts are fully guided and completely fair chase, with all meals, lodging, transportation and game care included. Hunting is on our private ranch and private leased ground.
The first rifle hunt is Elk only and draw only (outfitter to assist and license draw process). The second and third rifle seasons are combined Elk and Deer with deer on a draw-only, landowner vouchers typically available for an additional fee (contact outfitter). Rifle season consists of a 5 day hunt. Typically, arrival on Friday, with hunting Saturday through Wednesday. During the first and second combined seasons, a 3-day buck only hunt is available at a discounted price.
Non-Hunting Companions are welcome.
Call for available dates and guided hunt prices.
All deer licenses are draw only, however, guaranteed landowner buck vouchers typically available if you are unsuccessful in the Colorado Buck draw.
Arrival on Friday with Hunting Saturday through Wednesday for first and third rifle seasons.
Guided prices are for one animal, elk or deer with the exception of combo hunts.
One guide for two hunters.